Say Hello To The Good Old Me … By Moshibudi Thatego madia



With every new thing, plans to sustain it have to be made, just like moving from one year to the next. The blessed transition into 2015 is one that is followed by bucket loads of resolutions.

In my younger years, having New Year’s resolutions was important; even though I really didn’t understand how binding they were I continued to make them, so that I’d have something to say when I get asked:”what’s your new year’s resolution?” But with age, time and faulty; uncompleted resolutions, comes wisdom. I genuinely feel like I’ve come up with the solution to the pressure of resolution making. The answer is that we are not perfect, therefore we can’t set perfect resolutions, we need to come to a point where we realize that resolutions aren’t the gauge to measure how successful we’ve been in that year, but rather they are a way of encouraging goal setting.

Research has shown that setting goals induces the need to complete the set task, and at completion contentment is found, but it doesn’t stop there, you begin to want to achieve even more, thus setting more, bigger, goals. So basically, setting goals gives you purpose, and completing those makes you happy with yourself. That is why psychologists encourage that your startup goals not be too extravagant, surpassing what you can handle, either physically, emotionally or money-wise. If you want to get on the right track in terms of your health, instead of wrecking your bank account and buying all the “Dr Who’s who 90 day diet meal plan” and all the follow-up supplements, start small. Rather surf the web for foods that are good for your blood type, and start replacing certain foods you ate with those of a healthier impact. Then a gradual progression in your quest for a healthier you will be made, I bet you.

Stop being so hard on yourself, just try to refocus your resolutions and start setting goals, that will see you embrace and challenge your good old self. If anything, let your resolution rather be to make gradual changes in your life by setting realistic goals, and start conquering. Good luck!


Article by Moshibudi Thatego Madia



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