Honest Citizens Caught On Camera Trying To Petition Against Paying TV Licences #MissUnderstood


Julius Malema was once spotted by Daily Sun taking a selfie with his iPhone 6 cellphone, the #DailySunHeadlines the next morning read “EFF declares war on Samsung”.

With that being said, what you think you seeing is never really what is happening. Almost everything when reported gets lost in translation. Remember how Sunday World tried to bring down DJ Sbu? So with all things negative turned positive, as I try become an overnight patriotic South African, for all I care the happenings that were caught on camera were not an actual mugging. The 3 fed up citizens were in actual fact petitioning against paying their TV licence and still getting below par material on TV. I am one law abiding citizen but besides aspiring to the higher sometimes, I also practice a very popular type of movement. I refrain from paying my TV licence.

“I think the part of media that romanticizes criminal behavior, things that a person will say against women, profanity, being gangster, having multiple children with multiple men and women and not wanting to is prevalent. When you look at the majority of shows on television they placate that kind of behavior” Bill Cosby

While they might promise free and fair broadcasting, it’s mostly only said in jest. The media is one of the largest perception controllers known to man. Almost if not all of us are hypnotics, the proper authority only lets you see what they see proper for you to ingest. It’s a classic case of what you put in is what you get out. In my wildest imagination, I picture 3 fat media kings siting on top of the clouds making bets with each other on what direction the masses will turn to given a release of their next publication. It’s crazy how people are swayed by the external environment, if the next day a publication came through and said Genius Level is the Illuminati, watch how people who have never even got a glimpse of all these genius run wild with hate comments. When did we lose the very lethal gift of questioning? Question their intentions, question their existence, Question religion, Question the educational system, Question your partner’s intentions with you. What gets questioned gets answered, be it an open answer or silence to the questioned, you will be clear of what the answer is.

The media is one of the largest perception controllers known to man and SABC has been using this known fact to their advantage, or should I say ANC has been using this to their advantage. Remember how they did not show Zuma being booed during Mandela’s memorial service? remember how they showed nothing of the semi revolution that took place in parliament during the state of the nation address? as a law abiding citizen I would sure not pay for a skewed perception controlling service that constantly goes against their objectives and aims to further a certain party’s agenda.

So like the 3 wrongly accused criminals, realise that you as a have the power to change what you do not like. Having complete clarity about a given happening will evolve you, no way will you need to second guess a scenario, no way will you be used to further a hidden agenda.


people are always constantly consciously or subliminally trying to use you to their benefit, or to further their own agendas. Perfect example is how the mechanics of advertising keep rolling while no one realizes that their being sold. To filter out the bullshit realise that its either you selling or being sold, form an internal resistance and choose to research before a conclusion.

“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses” Malcolm X


Disclaimer: Crime is a serious issue in South Africa, we are in no way promoting it.


 Article by Kagiso Maloma




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