When Money Is Screwed Out Of The Equation… By Kholofelo Molapo

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We live in world today that is heavily dependent on money, these highly educated people would wish to call it ”an advanced economic system measured with a GDP” which basically means we survive on buying and selling. Therefore we depend on money.

This means that people who cannot buy or sell are doomed to a life of poverty in our MODERN society. So what we do in the fight against poverty is we try and get as many people as possible to buy & sell which has been failing WHY? MONEY!

You see in order to buy you need money, in order to possess something worth selling you need money, somewhere down the line. But what if I were to say everything in MODERN society is actually for FREE, CRAZY RIGHT, maybe not (PAY ATTENTION)


Well money, believe it or not, only becomes necessary in our society where a person is incapable or reluctant to do something by themselves.

Example, if you want bread you simply visit your nearest convenience store, because if you didn’t you would have to physically produce all the ingredients needed to produce the bread yourself which would require much more effort than simply buying.

This principle applies to everything; the point is money is a direct replacement for effort.

Can you see what I’m getting at? If you do not possess money it only means you have to do everything yourself (Maybe not practical for everything)

Solution for a poor (i.e. moneyless) and unemployed community and the Government

Maybe we shouldn’t be helping poor communities to buy & sell in order to survive maybe we should be helping them to produce that which they need themselves.

E.g. a community bakery operated by community members, which distributes bread to its people at no charge and in return every person, must lend a hand in some part of the production process.

My example was based on bread see if you can’t come up with others applying the same principle


Article by Kholofelo Molapo



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