My vision as a writer has always been to educate and inform you the ready while making you laugh in the process, so what I’m expecting from you is an ‘aha’ moment and maybe a little bit of a giggle; get those LOLs in line.
You being the Genius Level loyalist that checks out our Online Mag on a daily and recommends it to your mates know very well about our #MONEYMONDAY initiative, given that i get ahead of myself at times and just jump into writing away, I felt it necessary on this weekly edition of #MONEYMONDAY to take some time out to explain what #MONEYTMONDAY is and why we at Genius Level are so passionate about educating the youth about their money and increasing their financial literacy levels.
All our articles are meant to address issues while presenting Genius ways to solve those issues or problems. The issue at hand being Financial Literacy! With South Africa being what I Geniusly term a ‘newly issued share’ in the global economy, i feel like right after we attained our freedom and were presented with employment and enterprising opportunities that helped enrich most of our parents, the fundamental problem became that we did not know how to manage our money, our parents were ‘new money’ as it were, with so much happening so fast they got overwhelmed and taken advantage of by the system; same way Don king sucka punched a lot of boxers without ever being in the ring (just sit back and let that one kick in)
With the more money you get comes friends with money also that want you to spend the money with them, then also comes the hunger for more money and even more self injuring, there comes the sense of entitlement and lifestyle enhancements. You start eating at larniar places and wanting to buy luxurious cars and expensive furniture for your million rand house in the suburbs. Then you have black expenses like lobola, expensive weddings and overly expensive funeral plans. We are fundamental new at this money management thing, we are conditioned to live beyond our means and spend money soon as we get it. this type of monetary behavioral trait gets passed on to each generation hence you get movements like the Skhothanes and BEE fat cats, people purchasing clothe and cars they cannot afford meanwhile they still confined to the semi steel walls of a shack in a Squatter Camp.
Conditioning is real and its a mafaka, it takes a lot of discipline to move away from such traits, hence 50% of all working South Africans are broke and in debt. I call it GENERATIONAL BALLERITIS; a situation where the habit of making bad financial decisions gets passed on from father to son and mother to daughter…. Like why are you buying Carvelas when your fees aren’t paid up, why are you opting for a R3 000 weave when your mother cant even afford both you and your baby.
With it ย being an obvious case that this needs to stop! how do we then make people to get into a habit of making good financial decisions?? #MONEYMONDAY
We are here to jump in on the hole that’s been keeping you down and hold your hand as we figure out together how we can instill financial literacy into the young minds of all South Africans one article at a time, one Monday at a time. The inception and vision for #MONEYMONNDAY is to educate the youth on issues relating to money management and debt avoidance. In a place where debt is the new in ‘kool’ thing, we are here to help you plan for the future and assist with strategies that will make sure your retirement is filled with riches. there is absolutely no way in hell that people should be subjected to over 30% in interest payments on loans and credit, the credit market gets reckless by the day and cold calling has facilitated for the growth of impulsive buying and licking one’s self into contracts that stretch over a prolonged period with ridiculous interest rates. We here to sell you the dream of being debt free and being financially savvy. With most credit institutions taking advantage of blacks in that they aren’t financially literate enough to know what their signing themselves into, now is the time to read away on our weekly pieces to educate you on everything finance.
The hashtag willl find you, the financial literacy will be incepted in you and your financial affairs will be genified. We are here for you when you need us and do make sure to check our weekly #MONEYMKNDAY posts that will surely help stretch your Madibas and remember, we always watching, spend wisely and stick to your budget.