Decided To Let Go Of All The Baggage That Was Holding My Shine Back… By Keneilwe Lipman

The best thing you can ever do for yourself is learn to let go. We often carry a lot of baggage that holds us back, this makes it impossible to move on no matter how much we try. 10 years ago I experienced something painful for the 1st time. For the 1st time I experienced failure, something I never thought I would everΒ  experience. I failed according to my standards while everyone in my hood kept congratulating me, this meant my dreams and destiny had been altered, I could’t study towards the course I wanted to study initially, so that meant I had to settle.

I carried the pain of settling, the pain of failure and disappointment. It became a part of me and my identity. I started seeing myself as failure and I believed I was a failure and started living life as a failure. I enrolled into a course I knew nothing about. The habit of failure stayed with me, I kept on failing the course but there was still that light, a course that was supposed to be a 4 years course took me 6 full years, with the attitude of “I don’t even like this”. Okay 6 years later at the age of 25 I obtained my 1st qualification. With the same mentality I went into the working environment, I did what was expected of me with the same attitude of mediocrity. I even told myself that I wasn’t good at anything, I did all of this to myself by myself without anyone’s help. I killed my dreams, silenced any ambition in me.

I woke up one day and realised I’m not where I want to be or should be, everyone is moving ahead and I’m just standing still in one place. I went to the mirror and asked the reflection that was starring back: where did it all go wrong? What happened to me? That’s when I decided to let go of my past failures, go back to that unstoppable girl I once was. I am now challenging myself in every way possible, things that used to be difficult for me are now like a walk in the park. We all go through disappointments, it could be a relationship, a job or school, but we need to let go of it, the sooner the better. We are not held back by our inabilities, but our mentality that tells us we can’t do this and that.

Let go and let live! Nothing is impossible under the sun! It’s all within reach if we disposition our minds and hearts. Get up, dust yourself and go after it!!

Article By Keneilwe Lipman



One thought on “Decided To Let Go Of All The Baggage That Was Holding My Shine Back… By Keneilwe Lipman

  1. This is beautiful, the writing flows and gets one thinking about one’s own personal experiences. Lovely!

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