We All Actually Guilty For The Ongoing Drug Problem In This Country!! By Dimo wa Moraswi Sekele

drugs_sabcIs nyaope my fault?

I’m going to be a bit rough on this, maybe a little brutal in telling the truth we all know but choose to ignore. We have heard all sorts of excuses whenever the conversation about drug use and abuse is initiated. Some are bold to point out how “foreigners” distribute this poison and make millions in profits. Some claim that police are involved and this syndicate can never be shut down. Well here is my excuse.

Society loves truth but there’s a catch to this! We love the truth just as long as that truth doesn’t negatively affect us, that’s my excuse. We all know who runs these operations in the streets but we keep quite because they are our friends, brothers, cousins and neighbors. We cannot have them arrested because we won’t have money to buy data bundles to upload a status about drug problem in our streets, or we just too cool to snitch. Yes some of the loudest ambassadors singing war against drug use are directly benefiting from drug sales.

I have never seen a “NIGERIAN” in Mamelodi dealing in Nyaope but I saw one of my own (locals), dressed like me, talking like me and killing one of my own. Look this is simple if we going to take a war against the drug rings then the first step is to make it a problem for all of us. Whether your kids are too smart to take drugs or you think you will never try them is immaterial, this problem affects all of us and we have to start taking responsibility in solving this matter.

Who are these guys dressed in hodies? It all starts with them laughing with us but hoping more guys get hooked. They sleep somewhere, they have families, have friends and pretty much someone is aware that they are dealing. These guys might not be the ones breaking in our houses but the money made from our stolen goods ends up in his pockets at least temporarily untill the “mysterious” ring leaders comes to collect it. So the problem affects all of us, it should be declared a national emergency and special task teams formed to deal with this.

We do not really need more rehabs but we need more active citizens”

Look the authorities cannot win against this fight alone, they need someone to be giving names and addresses but we just too cool to snitch, or we scared no-matter what our excuses are we are just not moved yet because our own family members are not hooked as yet. It is our ignorance that perpetuates this problem, it is sad because this addiction is like some country wide movement. We do not really need more rehabs but we need more active citizens, you might not realize it but every time a police man chases an addict for a house breaking that policeman is not doing his job. My point is if we remove the addiction the crime will automatically die, in short the addiction is the criminal we should be fighting. Can we fight addiction with prison? I don’t think this is the right time to analyze the victims of addiction but to conceptualize a practically effective method of dealing with the distribution of such drugs. You kill the network you make it harder for it to be accessed. You arrest the ring leaders give them triple life sentences for killing so many dreams.

You and I have a choice, to either kill this problem or let it grow while we look the other way. I just pray it never gets too big to be stopped.

Dimo says addiction is wrong and distribution of drugs is crime, so say no and start acting up.


Article By Dimo Wa Moraswi Sekele

