So much has changed but the poor black child is still being taught how to solve for X #EntreprenuershipInOurLifetime

A poor black child will probably come face to face with a computer at the age of 18 or 19 when he is in tertiary, he is still being taught how to solve for X and his teachers are probably still preaching the importance of doing math’s and science as there is a shortage of engineers and doctors or whatever the case might be.

But I want us to be honest, is there a shortage of engineers? Look around you, there are engineers on the robots holding boards “begging” for a job. Why is it that the preaching of teachers especially in rural villages hasn’t changed? Why can it be that teachers are still not influencing learners to pursue entrepreneurship as a career? You know what they say about fear right, the older will impart their fears on the younger so the younger will be scared of things they have never seen. Or there is simply no mandate from government to encourage/facilitate the re-learning process that will see the black child have a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship, but before that can happen the black teacher must be able to incite that idea in the mind of a black child, he must stop preaching engineering and medicine to the poor black child.
It’s no secret that technological advancement is bringing about great opportunities, but those opportunities can only be accessed by the people who are aware of them. Now tell me do you honestly expect A BLACK CHILD FROM Ga-Mashashane to understand how people make money on you tube? Or even know how to create their own website and sell t-shirts online?

Well I am just being general here but the point I’m trying to make is simple, expose the young black child to the amazing world of technology at an early age. Remind them it is not a miracle to be the founder of Facebook, Whatsapp or better yet Genius Level. I believe the black child is as amazing as all the kids in the world and given a chance he can compete internationally.

Personally I believe the teachers who told me to do Maths and Science owe me an apology, I will never know my potential or it will simply be too late when I finally do. Expose me to the world and I will return with the world!!


Article By Dimo Wa Moraswi Sekele

