RED TAPE (How It Took Me A Decade To decide To Take Up The Entrepreneurship Journey)

Article By Brigette Mashile
I have been an entrepreneur for all of 3 years now.  Not much hey.  Well believe me it feels like 30 years.  But surprisingly I am still at it. I have witnessed fear, frustration, worry, stress, hesitation, passion, disappointment, and best of all failure.  In one simple sentence I can say it’s been deep. I have a million reasons why it has been so challenging but what keeps me going is more worthy than those reasons. Literally what keeps me going is the fact that success is certain. Even after a hectic day with losses and a zero balance in my bank account, I am still sure that success is certain.

Most of the reasons why success is a challenge are inside me really.  Has nothing to do with the economy and my history.  Don’t misunderstand me, those play a role too but they aren’t the main ones.  They are just bonus problems this earthly life bestows upon you.  The rest are in you.  First of all to be an entrepreneur/self-employed you need to believe that you can.  The road to believing you can is such a challenging process. It took me all of 10 years. I would wonder what was so great about me that I didn’t want a corporate job. What would make people buy from me? And simply am I special enough to can do it? Do these sound familiar?  Today I ask who made me question myself that much??

After you answer I can to that question; you must ask how? After 12 years of formal schooling, a degree and job experience, I had no clue how to run my own business? This is after being part of a retail chain that was successful? What exactly had I learnt at school? In Business Economics class?  And my degree? Where do I start? Words like business plan traumatized me. I had no clue how to even read an income statement, let alone create one.  Mind you I wore that black gown with the belt and hat, there is a picture of me somewhere in my graduation garb, and according to people I am educated. But what education did I have that resulted in me not knowing how to sell a dress?

Finally you find out how.  You are trading. Well even. Everyone knows you and you are growing.  But wait, where is the profit?  And how do I record this profit. And what do I do with this profit? I need help too; it’s all getting too much! You need to hire a person and also pay them.  Continuously.  This raises questions on your pricing.  Pricing equals money.  Each one of us has their own attitude to this powerful piece of paper.  For me, I literally respected it.  I thought I didn’t deserve a lot of it, I mean who are you to be rich? And how dare you charge that much for a dress? This hurdle will take you long to overcome.  You will need to befriend an accountant so as to become your own company’s accountant, and do it well to see results.  You will also loose clients and friends because suddenly you are expensive.  It will be painful.

Oh look you have made a success of your SME. You are now on the profit making side of life.  It is not thousands, but there is something.  Now you need to move up again. Move forward. Maybe forward is opening a shop for you.  This week we went on a shop location expedition.  At the end of the day the conclusion was we need a lot of money.  I was even wondering why I hadn’t chosen a business in property!  You find yourself needing more space, but affording a small space. This is a level where you will have to jump or sink.

In all you do as an entrepreneur remember why you started; and that success is certain.  It is highly impossible that you could’ve come up with such an idea without you planning to make it work.  Also remember you have to work twice as hard as a corporate employee, and 5 times harder than all other people just to make your first R1. Reporting from the other side I can honestly say it is worth it.  I have lost money, friends and family from my endeavor.  I don’t regret it all!  There is a goal I must achieve, and I will do anything to get it. Regardless of all the natural/unnatural red tape I meet.

Article By Brigette Mashile

Instagram: Roka Roko or BrigetteLatoyaMashile
Twitter: Roka Roko or BrigetteMashile
Faceood: Roka Roko or Brigette Latoya Mashile

