I Want You to Get MAD!!


We’ve all seen it! Policies being implemented without the general public’s consent, Strategies of mind control disguised as entertainment, Credit being offered to those who are most miserable and used to lock them into a lifetime of slavery, a student with an Honours degree unable to get employment, that uncle of yours addicted to alcohol, 6 week old toddlers being introduced to womanhood too soon.

The mayor’s car purchase taking preference over the development of a new school, prices increasing faster than your credit limit, Parking in downtown Jozi costing R100 for a mere 8 hours, in flippen downtown Jozi, Interest on student loans taking away 30% of your salary, the high internet costs hindering the evolution of a smarter more knowledgeable Africa, Wars on oil being hidden in plain sight, those fast food profitable chains popping up in thee most poorest of communities, ignorance perfectly packaged to perfection, curable diseases being allowed to tarnish the earth only because they are a strong source of revenue to medical research centres and pharmaceutical companies, that pretty shy girl you went to primary with now living on a R250 child grant she thought would solve all her perceived financial problems.

I want you to get fricken mad!! Then take a step back, re-evaluate your aspirations, the people you hang with, set some targets for yourself, keep your goals in mind, share a joke, smile for no reason, open your eyes, then apply what you’ve learned, this is how you change the world.



4 thoughts on “I Want You to Get MAD!!

  1. The issue is we just dont care about most things that we see to be wrong, and with that they only get worse. Hope we reach a ticking point

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