The Over Milking And Killing Of The Once Great And Honourable Elephant That Is The ANC

“Things fall apart and the center cannot hold anymore”

By Dimo wa Moraswi Sekele
I have always known one day this day will come, but little did I know it will come so soon, I thought I would be old with grey hair and grandchildren to relay to them the story of what was once the great elephant. The elephant that did the unimaginable things for Azania, her daughters and sons, the elephant that moved in the darkest of amazons Azania has ever seen. Broken down the man-made steel fence that man with guns and grenades have guarded day and night. (Once great liberation movement)

The elephant might have survived the evil of the man with guns, the bullets might have hit her body but it was the actions of her own people that killed her. The people who came too close but not to help this elephant grow but to milk it and get as much as they can possibly get out of her. But the elephant was too strong so they started injuring it to weaken it (factions and mediocrity prevailed).

Her soul was not harmed by the man with guns but was assassinated by man whom she’d trusted her whole life with, her soul was weakened by the continued deliberate attacks on her internal capacity to deal with infections (attacks on ANC policy by ANC leaders) One injury after the other it became a norm that periodically it will be hit more, bleed more and weaken some more (the mediocre ascended to power and if morality was a minimum requirement we would have shut this country down).

The saddest part of this story is that the death which is now inevitable as no amount of resuscitation will bring it back to life is that, it was evitable. The attack of its life was done in public for all to see, I would be lying if I say we didn’t see what was happening. It did not die a peaceful silent natural death, it is ugly look at it. Everyone is looking as those who benefit from its weakening sharpen their axe to take away its flesh for there is no more milk to take anymore. My cry is not for its life anymore but its bones that should be saved to be displayed in our memories, decorated in our literature zoos (at this rate we might have no good tale of our once great elephant to tell).

One day we will wake up and realize we can’t even point at the bones of this elephant for few men have become too greedy, too greedy they couldn’t stop taking its milk, or the flesh, the tail, nose, ears or eyes but took took even the bones. What killed ANC was not ageing, but greed.

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