Black is beautiful, magnificent and like hell it’s excellent. Nothing gives me more joy than witnessing a black person ascend the corporate ladder, until he is the boss of everyone, including the white man.
When it comes to celebrating blak excellence, I am a racist, and a proud one at that. If anyone does, these Black men deserve to be celebrated. (I would like to extend an apology to the enemies of WMC, for your exclusion, but you can stop reading right at this point, or you can continue at your own risk).
Earlier this year the Department of finance was shook by a change of leadership. There was a visible upset resulting in many people packing and searching for greener pastures. Amongst the doomed, was the former Treasury Director-General, Lungisa Fuzile. Rumour had it that the department was bleeding talent, and that has until today never confirmed.
Today, Lungisa Fuzile is the Chief Executive Officer of Standard Bank South Africa, and if the word on the street rings true, he had been head hunted from the Treasury for more than a year.
We are surely making progress and maybe we need to be honest with ourselves, if we ever dream of taking over one day, we will need to celebrate and identify black excellence because just “wokeness” wonβt run the banks.
This goes out to all the excellent Blacks, and Mr Lungisa who are doing great in their careers, excelling. Getting ready to run every sector in the economy of this country, when the time come.
Keep shining because Black is Beautiful awesome and damn Excellent.