21 Life Lessons For My Lil Sister Who’s Turning 21 Today

1. This is the most important lesson of them all, Love yourself with all your heart and never apologize for it

2. As you grow older and strive to get more out of life , you will come across challenges and what will determine your survival from those is how you handle them, so no matter how hard you fall, remember to always get up

3. Material things will never determine your success

4. Your existence in this world is very important, the world is a better place because you are here

5. You will experience pain and when you do, remember that pain is not permanent , there is always a beautiful light at the end of a dark tunnel

6. You will go through the worst experiences in life and you’ll probably ask yourself “Why me” and the answer to that is God will never allow you to go through something you can’t handle

7. I know losing Mapamela is the worst thing that’s ever happened to us, but in everything that you do, honor her and make her proud, and remember she is always with us

8. Don’t ever be ashamed of where you come from

9. Early 20s is the best time to learn more about yourself, what you want in life, what you good at, try to explore as much as you can in order for you to find out what you like and don’t like

10. Learn about your history as a black African woman, understand your history, understand who you are as a black African woman

11. Believe in yourself even when no one believes in you

12. Your future will be determined by the choices you make, if you choose to sleep instead of studying for a test, the results will show in a few years

13. Everyday is a chance to get closer to your goal

14. Invest in educating yourself , no one will ever take that away from you

15. Always be proud of yourself

16. No one owes you anything, you owe yourself everything

17. Use the books I gave you, whenever you feel down, find a chapter in one of them

18. Always share the wisdom you have with others

19. Don’t only focus on how you look,one day all of that will fall away, but who you are and what you were meant to bring to this world, that’s all that will matter

20. Never stop learning, when you archive a goal, ask yourself what else is out there for you and go out and find it

21. Don’t ever ever ever give up on yourself , you are great, you are smart, you are beautiful

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