Why Do We Nyats Ourselves Mara? Imposter Syndrome.
As a confident and level-headed individual, I have always been able to evaluate situations with certainty, given the proper context and supporting evidence. However, when it comes to my own accomplishments, my approach shifts significantly. This inner adverse over analysis of your position in society.
For as long as I can remember, I have struggled to acknowledge my own hard work and achievements as genuine. Instead, I attribute them to luck and good timing. Regardless of the magnitude of my success, I am never fully satisfied or convinced in my abilities. The fear of being uncovered as a fraud constantly lingers in the back of my mind.

To overcome this hindrance, I made a deliberate decision to take a step back and examine my accomplishments objectively, as if I was helping a friend or mentee out. Through this process, I have learned that impostor syndrome is a prevalent issue among high-performing individuals in corporate and other fields. We often struggle to express our skills and competencies, and therefore, fall back on luck as the explanation for our success.
However, the truth is that as we continue to accumulate wins and achievements, it becomes increasingly evident that our success is a direct result of our talent and hard work. Therefore, if you are grappling with self-doubt and questioning your own legitimacy, take some time to reflect on your personal and career accomplishments. Ask yourself whether a stranger with these same achievements would be considered a fraud based on luck alone. Chances are, the answer will be no, and you will realize that you are more talented than you give yourself credit for.
You the ish! Know it and internalize that!
Flabo the UnAuthordox