Reasons Why Some Women Date Guys That Treat Them Badly…

Have you ever seen a relationship and asked yourself, “Why does she stick around if he’s not treating her right?” Well, folks on Facebook opened up about this, and let me lay it down for you, with straight talk and no fancy frills.
Below is some of the key pointers the Mzanzihumians pointed out as reasons for them staying in such relationships. Readers discretion is advised – the points given are that of our Mzanzi Humor followers.
See link for original meme posted on Mzanzi Humor asking followers as to why this happens
1. Childhood Shadows:
It’s like this – some people grow up in homes where shouting and being tough
was the daily bread. That stuff sticks, and without even knowing it, they end
up thinking that’s how love should sound and feel.
2. Self-Worth Issues:
Picture this. If you believe you’re worth about two cents, you’re probably not
going to argue if someone treats you like spare change. That’s the sad truth
for some women out there.
3. Money Talks:
There’s no denying the bling bling. If a guy flashes cash and gifts, some girls
might tolerate the trash talk and worse. It’s a trade-off, and sometimes, it’s
about survival.
4. The Thrill Ain’t Cheap:
Ever heard that some people love rollercoasters? Well, bad relationships can be
just like that. Ups, downs, and a whole lot of screaming. It gets the blood
pumping, even if it’s not all fun.
5. Ms. Fix-It:
There’s a hero in some of us, always looking for a fixer-upper. Some women
believe they’ve got the magic touch to turn a frog into a prince. Spoiler: it’s
not always a fairy tale ending.
6. Bad Boy Charm:
Some guys have this swagger about them, like they own the world. It’s a kind of
confidence that can make a woman feel protected – even if it’s the same guy
they might need protecting from. Warning to those willing to listen, young
women (mostly that are naïve) tend to fall for those psychopathic narcissistic
type of guys who give off a false sense of high value – these type of guys have
been playing the game for years and sure know how to run circles around amateurs
in the dating realm. Don’t be a victim!
7. Love’s Blurry Glasses:
Love and pain can get twisted up like earphone wires in a pocket. Some women
get so caught up they can’t tell the difference anymore. #Entanglement
8. The Pressure Cooker:
Society’s got this crazy kitchen where it cooks up all sorts of ideas about
who you should be with. Some women feel that pressure and think it’s better to
have a bad man than no man at all.
9. Alone in the Crowd:
The thought of being single can scare some more than a horror movie. So they
stick it out, even when the going gets tough.
10. The Fixer Spirit:
Some women have the heart of a mechanic – always trying to fix things. They see
a guy with issues, and it’s like a call to action.
11. Tied by Trauma:
Trauma bonds are like superglue. If two people go through some heavy stuff
together, it can stick them close, even if it’s unhealthy.
12. It’s Hot in Here:
Let’s not kid ourselves. Chemistry can fog up the room so bad, some women can’t see the exit sign. When the sparks fly, the bad stuff sometimes gets brushed under the rug. So there you have it. Life’s complicated, and so is love. But let’s not forget, everyone’s got their own preferences – but your mental health should reign supreme!
By Flabbo The UnAuthordox (FlabboX)